In another yoga class recently I said out loud for the first time, "I can't do a back bend." The thing is, I can do a back bend, or "wheel" as the yogis say. But I know that because of my back condition if I arch like a wheel I will end up hurting myself. So I have to take the long view and practice saying "I can't do that." It's hard--but it's getting easier.
Hang out a degree away from the edge, a physical therapist told me recently. Some yoga teachers will encourage students to hang out in a difficult pose for what feels like eternity, on the edge between discomfort and pain. No teacher wants you to hurt yourself. But teachers do want you to explore discomfort a bit and see if you can sit with it for a minute or two. That's good practice for life. Except if your adductor is strained. Then you have to shy away from the discomfort/pain edge and shift to the edge between an acceptable stretch and self harm. I'm practicing that, too.
Know your limits, my class dean, Pamela Daniels, said at our twenty-fifth college reunion in June. She spoke at our graduation as well, and revisited her own words from 1985--and her reference then to Jack Gilbert's poem, "The Abnormal is Not Courage." Courage, says Gilbert, is "the thing steady and clear, then the crescendo. . . not the surprise, but the amazed understanding." Twenty-five years later, Dean Daniels still stands by those words. But she urged us now, in mid-life, to consider the arduousness of making choices. She advised us to revisit our dreams and dare to be fully ourselves in the context of new self-knowledge, realistic complexity and logistical challenges. Respect the givens, she said, because we can only do so much in a given day.
Our wisdom in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves, wrote the great Reformed theologian John Calvin. In his wildest dreams I'm sure Calvin never could have imagined a female pastor applying his theology to the practice of yoga and the experience of mid-life. But I keep coming back, gratefully, to Calvin's definition of wisdom.

I met with a seasoned yoga teacher one-on-one several weeks ago. She understood my back issues and led me through a sequence of modified poses that took those issues into account. Afterwards I actually felt more confident and free. I knew how to work with my own particular package deal more carefully and precisely, and that was a huge help. Maybe in some small way that's the kind of thing Jack Gilbert meant by "the amazed understanding." I have resisted limits for the longest time but now I am amazed to understand that working with them has its benefits.
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